ホーム | -----E > elsewhereJurg Frey (Quatuor Bozzini / Konus Quartett) "Continuit​e​, fragilit​e​, r​esonance" [CD]

Jurg Frey (Quatuor Bozzini / Konus Quartett) "Continuit​e​, fragilit​e​, r​esonance" [CD]

価格: 2,497円(税込)
Label: elsewhere

ジョン・ケージを含む巨匠勢の作品を100曲以上演奏しているカナダのQuatuor Bozziniによる演奏!!Another Timbre及びここElsewhereからリリースされている諸作は全て高内容、Wandelweiser派、そしてハードコアな点描ロングトーン・アプローチで知られるRadu MalfattiのB-Boimからも大量の音源を発表している大ベテラン作曲家Jurg Frey。2020~2021年に掛けて弦楽四重奏とサックス四重奏の為に書いた51分の長編[Continuit​ée, fragilit​e​, r​e​sonance]をリリース。Quatuor BozziniとKonus Quartett、二つのカルテットがそれぞれストリングスとサックスを担当しノンストップで演奏、沈黙を挟みつつスローにサウンドのコントラストを描く名演です。

'Continuité, fragilité, résonance' is a 51-minute piece written by Jürg Frey in 2020-2021 for octet: string and saxophone quartets.

The Montréal-based Quatuor Bozzini and the Bern-based Konus Quartett premiered the piece in September 2021, and later recorded it for this album with the presence of the composer, during a three-day recording session in August 2022 at the Auditorium of Zentrum Paul Klee in Bern, Switzerland. Both quartets have premiered other works of Frey's in the past and have a deep understanding of the composer, performing his pieces masterfully with their mature and sensitive musicianship. 

"In movement, music has an energy that moves forward, in stillness, music sinks into the vertical depth of the moment.

Music thrives on this dynamic contrast, and the special moments of stillness in a composition have fascinated and touched composers time and again throughout the centuries.

Music can also have its starting point in silence, yes, even more, this silence can be the foundation of an entire composition. In this sense, the new piece will work with sound movements and stillness, but always develop these phenomena out of silence and lead them back into silence, thus creating its own acoustic reality of concentration and deepening." — Jürg Frey