'François Bayle's itinerary spans over five decades through which music was able to renovate its material through a sensible use of technology. The terms of Musique Concrète, Electroacoustics or Acousmatics, as conveniently proposed by François Bayle, ultimately explore a similar artistic approach: a creative andexpressive work on recorded sound. This last half-century saw many major technical mutations and François Bayle - in the fertile context of the Grm Ð seized the right opportunities, often initiating them through his function as director, so as to renovate and update creativity to serve what he called the Light Speed Sound. The fifty opuses in this box set are all markers or beacons illuminating this musical adventure firmly placed under the sign of modernity. Listening through them with a curious and active ear is also a way of witnessing how utopia can occur; how yesterday's strange sounds are now fully part of our audible landscape.' Christian Zanési.'Trois rêves d'oiseau' (1963, 1971). 'Espaces inhabitables' (1967). 'Jeîta, ou Murmure des eaux' (1970 - new version 2012). 'L'expérience acoustique' (1969 - 1972). 'Purgatoire d'après la Divine Comédie de Dante' (1972). 'Vibrations composées' (1973). 'Grande polyphonie' (1974). 'Camera oscura' (1976). 'Les Couleurs de la nuit' (1982 - new version 2012). 'Erosphère' with 'Tremblement de terre très doux' (1978), 'La Fin du bruit' (1979-80 - new version 2009), 'Eros' (1979-80), 'Toupie dans le ciel' (1979-80 - new version 2009). 'Son - Vitesse - Lumière' with 'Grandeur nature' (1980), 'Paysage, personnage, nuage' (1980), 'Voyage au centre de la tête' (1981), 'Le Sommeil d'Euclide' (1983), 'Lumière ralentie' (1983). 'Motion-Émotion' (1985). 'Théâtre d'Ombres' (1988). 'Fabulæ' with 'Fabula' (1990), 'Onoma' (1990), 'Nota' (1991), 'Sonora' (1992). 'Mimaméta' (1989). 'La main vide' (1994-95) with 'Bâton de pluie', 'La Fleur future', 'Inventions'. 'Morceaux de ciels' (1996). 'Arc, pour Gérard Grisey' (unedited) (1999). 'La forme du temps est un cercle' with 'Concrescence' (2001), 'Si loin, si proche' (1998 - 2001 - new version 2012), 'Tempi' (1999-2000), 'Allures' (1999-2000), 'Cercles' (2000-2001). 'La forme de l'esprit est un papillon' (2002-04) with 'Ombrages et trouées' (2004 - new version 2012), 'Couleurs inventées' (2003). 'Univers nerveux - in memoriam K. Stockhausen' (unedited) (2005-2007). 'L'oreille étonnée - in memoriam O. Messiaen' (unedited) (2006-2012). 'Rien n'est réel' (unedited) (2009-2010) with ' sensations' (2010) et ' perceptions' (2009). 'Déplacements' (unedited) (2011-12) with 'Horizontal-vertical' (2012) et 'Spiral' (2011).
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