ホーム | -----# > 13Gianluca Becuzzi "Mana" [2CD]

Gianluca Becuzzi "Mana" [2CD]

価格: 3,267円(税込)
Label: 13 - st.an.da.2137

NWW、Current 93、Hermann Nitschの音源を使ったコラージュミックスや、難解なコンセプチュアルワークにも挑み続けるイタリアのエレクトロアコースティック・コンポーザーGianluca Becuzzi。今回発表された2021年新作[Mana]は"マキシマリストとミニマリストを同時に探求する"というコンセプトで取り組んだ、非常に重々しいリチュアル/ダークアンビエント。同レーベルからの前作[In Between]で聞かせた眩暈を引き起こす重厚サウンドをそのまま継承、より分厚くパーソナルな表現へと落とし込んだ傑作。一部の楽曲にダブルベースプレイヤーのCristiano Bocciが参加。

"In anthropology, the concept of mana identifies a supernatural impersonal power. It manifests itself through men as power or superiority, bestowed upon them by spirits. Sound is the musician's magic gesture. Through the choice and development of a language, the artist shapes the step of his entry into that mysterious realm. In this work, the search for a maximalist and minimalist form at the same time allowed me to make experience of two coexisting conditions of art: presence and absence. Affirmation and denial. Power and lightness. The ostentation and the subtraction. These are the two ways of the artist today: the awareness of being there, the will to deny oneself to unacceptable reality. Living in two worlds, evoking the plus-real through music, is an ethical and aesthetic rebellion that draws on an inscrutable and sacred strength. Music is my mana. Art is our hope." - Gianluca Becuzzi, April 2021