ホーム | -----Z > Zoharum Phurpa "Ya Tog Rid Pa'i Gyer" [2CD]

Phurpa "Ya Tog Rid Pa'i Gyer" [2CD]

価格: 2,937円(税込)
Label: Zoharum - ZOHAR 145-2

一度聴いたら忘れられない異次元のオーバートーンシンギングで知られるチベットボン教の伝統を受け継ぐロシアの集団Phurpa。同Zoharumより2016年にリリースした2枚組アルバム[Chöd]の後継作に当たる、同じく2枚組にて出版された2017年CDタイトル[Ya Tog Rid Pa'i Gyer]を初入荷!!長い瞑想トレーニングとセッションより得られたメンタルの成長をそのまま作品化したという音源で、あの最高峰の歌唱に加え多彩なインストゥルメンタルの使用が確認出来る。約49分、54分に渡りノンストップで続けられる濃密且つ妥協無きスタイルは是非一度体感すべき。

This double album is the successor to the previous release entitled “Chöd” from nearly a year ago. The new release shows how Phurpa constantly transforms itself through their own musical exploration as well as personal spiritual development. Apart from intensive concerts, its members are famous for their long meditation trainings/sessions. This constant movement, the exploration of various techniques and discovering new inspirations in eastern culture makes Phurpa musicians more and more eager to use traditional instruments in addition to their distinctive “rgyud-skad” singing, thus enriching the already familiar formula. By emphasizing the sacred and spiritual nature of their activity, they seek to enrich it in such a way that the listener can find the novum, bearing in mind that not only the aesthetic but very spiritual world of the ancient deities of the Bön tradition is particularly important. The title, referring to the magical quest for the universe, should set the direction for the interpretation, or be merely a pretext or an invitation to this mystical journey.