1939年ドイツ北部出身、美術の古典的な知識を学んだ後1970年代後半より公共の施設や公園でアコースティックパフォーマンスを行うようになったサウンドアート界の巨匠Rolf Julius。80年代に幾つかのプライベートカセット音源を残していますが、本作は氏が唯一LPフォーマットでリリースしたベルリンのアートギャラリーKunstlerhaus Bethanienからの出版物[Lullaby For The Fishes]のリイシュー版。収集したマイクロスコピックな音ネタを事前に録音された単音の音符と混合、そのサウンドを小さなスピーカーでフィルタリングし、壁、床、屋外へ向け放つ繊細な音響彫刻。小気味良い音の粒がヒョロヒョロと流れる様に浮遊する非常に面白い記録です。ジャケットデザインも素晴らしい。
Here's the much needed reprint of Rolf Julius’ first and only (and almost impossible to find) LP from 1985 / Rolf Julius was the archetypal “sound artist“. He painted with sound, he colored with pitch, and his work demands the attention and open-mindedness of those who embrace modern art. He collected found sounds, and mixed them with prerecorded single tone notes which were then, electronically modified and filtered through tiny loudspeakers, transformed into music. Depending on the surface texture where the loudspeaker has been placed - wall, floor or outdoors - these objects resonate and “breathe“ sound. His music is a mixture of all these sounds; a carefully calculated and conceived creation. He sculpted sound to define space, creating a musical environment where subtle changes occur
Rolf Julius was born in 1939 in northern Germany, where he received classical training in the fine arts. In the late 1970s, he gradually discovered certain contemporary composers (in particular La Monte Young, at festivals and on the radio), and became increasingly involved in acoustic performances which he gave in public parks and at alternative venues. In various experimental ways he explored the possibilities offered by sound broadcasting techniques, but even at this early stage (and this would be a constant factor in his approach) the works were developing with an on-going concern for the relationship with the space of the world, and with nature.. He attempted to fuse space with sound by combining pulsating textures with the room’s acoustics, similar to the work of David Behrman, Alvin Lucier and David Tudor.
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