Vivenzaのインダストリアルイメージ・フォト + 英/フランス/日本語によるマニフェスト解説が掲載された豪華ハードカバー仕様のCD付きブック!!20年前にDrag & Drop IndustrialよりCDで出た初期7インチ + カセット編集版[Fondements Bruitistes ]に、幾つかの未再発音源をプラスした2CD作品。装丁、内容共に激ヤバの編集。
ondements Bruitistes d'Action (Bruitist Foundations of Action), originally released in October 1984, opens the period in Vivenza's work on bruitist sound when he started to incorporate the question of the relationship between the technological and mechanical industrial fabric, on the one hand -- which makes up the reality of the modern world -- and the human and social environment on the other. This is the first-ever release of the entire 1984 Fondements Bruitistes session. Includes Luigi Russolo's 1913 Futurist manifesto The Art of Noises as a 108-page book with pictures and texts in English, French, and Japanese.
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