ロサンゼルスのレコーディングエンジニアであるDan Morehouseが(恐らく)唯一残した1978年LP[Patterns Of Growth]、1976年に同国の実験サックス奏者Steve Douglasが残した2nd LP[The Music Of Cheops]、非常にマニアックなカルト盤2種をカップリングしたCreel Poneによる編集版。延々とドラッギーなアンビエント持続音の放射を行い怪しいサイケデリック音場を作り上げるDan Morehouse。一方Steve Douglasは、なんとギザの大ピラミッド内で録音を行い、その爆発的な残響を利用したDeep Listening Bandばりの空間演奏を披露。どちらもカルト度数高めです。
February 2022 release; handily collecting the only two titles released on Steve Douglas' "Cheops Records, Inc." as CH-2 & CH-1, respectively, this single-disc "199.XX" entrant presents both the lone "Solo" outing by the storied L.A. studio whiz Dan Morehouse's music, issued in 1978 & consisting of two side-length suites of "Automatic Electronic Music" attributed to conceptions along the Fibonacci sequence.
Morehouse is a fascinating figure; a stalwart of Los Angeles' music scene (famously he recorded the two records by Richard Waters' Gravity Adjusters Expansion Band), working out of Clover Recorders & Larrabee Sound he collaborated with everyone from The Meters' Leo Nocentelli to Dwight Tilley to Grover Mitchell (in fact he engineered, mixed, and music-directed many of the titles on Jazz Chronicle). The two pieces herein are exactly the sort of "Trust The Process" work that we've long championed here at C.P. (look no further than Douglas Leedy's "Entropical Paradise", Pythagoron™, or Arnold Aard for similar enthusiasms).
For completions' sake, Douglas' "The Music of Cheops" set, largely recorded inside the Great Pyramid at Giza & consisting of solo wind-instrument improvisations in awe of both the architecture & acoustic of the significant spaces, is a great Deep Listening Band / Stuart Dempster-esque take on solo forms, and is a great complement, included handily on a single disc.
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