ホーム | -----C > Creel PoneBill Fontana "Sound Sculpture" [CD-R]

Bill Fontana "Sound Sculpture" [CD-R]

価格: 2,057円(税込)
Label: Creel Pone

音響彫刻及びフィールドレコーディングの先駆的存在であるアメリカ・サウンドアート界の重鎮Bill Fontanaの激レア1st[Sound Sculpture]がCreel Poneに登場!!1978年にオーストラリアはシドニーのEMI Customより出版された1枚で、現地で収集されたフィールドレコーディング及び作成された音響彫刻を用いた5種の記録を収録。ムアアビン空港やフェリーターミナルKirribilli Wharfの興味深いサウンドスケープを中心としたAサイド、そしてパイプやピアノを独自の手法で鳴らしたプリミティブな演奏中心のBサイド、どちらも素晴らしい記録となっています。

This was the 19th of the ca. 2003 "Proto Creel Pone" titles, a replica edition of the canonic American Sound Artist's first Private-Press LP, as realized via the Sydney EMI Custom facility plant in 1978 & covering Field Recordings & Sound Sculptures made around Sydney & Melbourne exhibited at the NGV in March 1978. Possibly misleading in its (early) use of the phrase, these pieces vary between raw documentation of acoustically-significant environments & events, presaging much of the diaristic work of the coming wave of post/"Broken-Music" world of Sound Works made primarily by Visual Artists with the remit of galleries & museum-spaces.

This replica edition covers every stray detail of the OG pressing on the outer panels, with blown-up detail of the liners & metholodogies on the inner ones. Absurdly great music; I've heard Fontana's name spoken-of in less-than-glowing terms more than a few times recently, largely due to how unknown & inaccessible this early material was... until now.