イタリアン・エクスペリメンタルプログレッシヴ最高峰の一枚!!1960年代初頭にバンド活動を開始、ポップスで大人気のバンドIGigantiやIl Supergruppoで大成功を収めた後、70年代末に妻で女優のTerra Di Benedettoと共に実験プロジェクトAlbergo Intergalattico Spazialeを立ち上げる事となるGiacomo Di Martino。1978年に発表された名盤1st LPがボーナス7インチ付きでLP復刻!!不穏なジャケットイメージと見事にリンクする実験精神剥き出しの歴史的傑作であり、恐ろしい語りを交えた女性のエコーボーカル、ヒリヒリとしたテクスチャーのオルガン&シンセ、そしてSF映画から拝借した音断片が見事に絡み合うオブスキュア録音の金字塔。ボーナス7インチ、オリジナルに付属した巨大ポスター、4ページのインサートが付属。
housed in its original artwork with the addition of a bonus 7" EP, a reproduction of a giant original poster and 3 inserts** Giacomo “Mino” di Martino started his musical career in several early 1960s Italian beat bands. By 1968 he had found enormous success with pop superstars I Giganti. After a brief split in 1970 –during which Mino formed Il Supergruppo with Ricky Gianco and other greats of the Italian scene– he came back to I Giganti in 1971. With them and with new advanced ideas that set the band pretty far away from the sophisticated pop and beat sounds they had been so successful with, they would record the amazing Terra in Bocca conceptual LP, an adventurous experimental album that explored the obscure connections between the Italian state and the mafia. A delicate topic full of political criticism which also found them having to fight censorship –it was played only once in the radio. This fact, along with the advanced new sound probably being too far ahead from the mainstream audience’s taste, turned the record into a commercial flop. Nowadays Terra in Bocca is a highly regarded album among critics, afficionados and collectors, and a pretty seminal one for the Italian scene of the seventies, since it can even be seen as a precursor to the works on the Cramps label. Gianni Sassi, producer and photographer who founded Cramps was involved in the release of Terra in Bocca –his is the amazing cover concept.
After the Terra in Bocca experience, Mino’s will was to keep exploring new musical paths and free his mind to experimentation. Along with his wife, actress and singer Edda “Terra” di Benedetto, they formed the Albergo Intergalattico Spaziale, just after the brief post-Giganti project Telaio Magnetico (with Franco Battiato, among others) was over. The Albergo was a venue where artists from diverse disciplines, mainly musica and theatre, could meet and create works together.
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