ホーム | -----S > SofaMartin Taxt "Second Room" [CD]

Martin Taxt "Second Room" [CD]

価格: 2,167円(税込)
Label: Sofa

秋山徹次氏、中村としまる氏、村山政二朗氏との共作をリリースし、様々な即興グループでも活動するノルウェーのチューバ奏者兼作曲家Martin Taxt。建築と音楽の関係を調査する一連のシリーズの第二弾が登場。今回は日本の建築家の講義で聞いたという"巣"と"洞窟"に関する概念をインスピレーションとして落とし込んだ作品で、チューバ、コントラバス、オルガン、ハンドベル、モジュラーシンセを使いコンセプチュアルな空間録音を制作。音色の微妙な変化により生成される繊細な干渉は是非一度体感すべき。持続音ファンにも大推薦。

Second Room is Taxt’s second album in a series of works investigating possible relations between music and architecture. In this work written for alto saxophone, two microtonal tubas, double bass, church organ, hand bells and modular synthesizers he is inspired by the Japanese architect Sou Fujimoto, and his ideas on different concepts of living.

In a lecture at the Harvard University in 2011, Fujimoto sets up a comparison between the nest and the cave, as two fundamentally different ways of living concepts. Whereas the nest represents safety, conformity and predictability, a space designed for people, the cave on the other side represents the unknown, a naturally shaped space, not designed for the purpose of living. It can be uncomfortable to enter the dark cave but spending time inside one can gradually start to adapt to the space. By rethinking our concept of space and the relation between space and human body we will eventually discover different functionalities within the cave and innovate new functions in the already designed space.

(…)A grid system with 36 pitches was the starting point of the composing process. Imagining the grid as a cave, I made 3 different paths through the grid as if I was exploring the cave. These three melodies became the outline for this composition. On ‘Disruption, disjunction, deconstruction’ the musicians are exploring the 36 pitches independently, as if, quoting Fujimoto; finding their own small favorite comfortable places inside the natural cave(…)

Martin Taxt – microtonal tuba, handbells, composition
Rolf Erik Nystrøm – alto saxophone, handbells
Laura Marie Rueslåtten – organ, handbells
Inga Margrete Aas – double bass, handbells
Peder Simonsen – microtonal tuba, handbells, modular synthesizer