ホーム | -----C > Creel PoneNew Phonic Art, Iskra 1903, Wired "Free Improvisation" [2CD-R]

New Phonic Art, Iskra 1903, Wired "Free Improvisation" [2CD-R]

価格: 2,827円(税込)
Label: Creel Pone

スーパーグループを纏めた最強ボックスセットがCreel Poneに登場!!Michel Portal、Jean-Pierre Drouet、Vinko Globokar、Carlos Roque Alsinaによる"New Phonic Art"、Derek Bailey、Barry Guy、Paul Rutherfordの"Iskra 1903"、そしてMichael Ranta、Mike Lewis、Conny Plank、Karl-Heinz Bottnerによる"Wired"、即興およびエクスペリメンタルの伝説的グループ3組を纏めた1974年Deutsche Grammophon出版による歴史的名作[Free Improvisation]。試聴の通り終始ガチガチに緊迫した空気が支配する、とことんクールに突き放した超名演集!!8ページのミニチュア複製ブックレット付き。

The 25th (skipping forward a few in this 2022 P.C.P. refresh; will circle back shortly for CP 000.21-24) of the ca. 2003 "Proto Creel Pone" titles covered this amazing Triple-LP Boxed Set, issued in 1974 by Deutsche Grammophon (#2740 105) offering a side each by three ensembles working within the milieu of Free Improvisation: Carlos Roqué Alsina, Jean-Pierre Drouet, Michel Portal, & Vinko Globokar's New Phonic Art; Barry Guy, Derek Bailey, Paul Rutherford, Philipp Wachsmann's Iskra 1903; & finally Conny Plank (!?), Karl-Heinz Böttner, Michael Ranta, & Mike Lewis' Wired.

In retrospect, it's incredible that this music hadn't been issued in any form between 1974 & then (and now!) making this "Creel Pone 17th Anniversary" refresh all the more special. Comes as two discs covering all 6 sides sandwiched inside a 6-panel glossy booklet plus a reproduction of the original 8-page booklet, leaving all original aesthetics intact.