ホーム | -----C > Corbett vs. DempseyHans Reichel "Bonobo Beach: Some More Guitar Solos" [CD]

Hans Reichel "Bonobo Beach: Some More Guitar Solos" [CD]

価格: 2,607円(税込)
Label: Corbett vs. Dempsey

当店大人気Hans Reichelによる最後のソロギター録音が遂にリイシュー!!ドイツのギタリストで楽器発明家、そしてなんと言っても木片を小型のマイクボックスに取りつけ弓で擦る木製の実験楽器"ダクソフォン"を生み出した事で有名なHans Reichel。本作は名門FMPに81年に残したギターソロ4th LP[Bonobo Beach]。お馴染みフレットの無いアコギやら改造エレキギターを用いた特殊な録音ですが、同レーベルが既にリイシューした1st[Wichlinghauser Blues]、2nd[Bonobo]と比べ音楽的な演奏が聴ける面白物件。非常に心地良いユニーク且つ優れたレパートリーが展開する超傑作。Corbett vs. Dempseyの仕事は本当に素晴らしい。





Subtitled “some more guitar solos,” Bonobo Beach was German guitarist and instrument inventor Hans Reichel’s fourth and final record of solo guitar works. After this record, Reichel would turn much of his attention to the bowed wooden-tongued instrument he created called the daxophone. Reichel recorded the six tracks at his home in Wuppertal in April, 1981, and in the process made what might be his masterpiece. These are not just some more guitar solos. Concentrating largely on acoustic guitar with no frets as well as his electric pick-behind-the-bridge guitar, he transforms tones into crystalline formations – patience with resonances, attention to silence, formation of symmetries around a common sonic point, jetting notes that arc and spread and then hover. One might look for other references to describe what Reichel is up to – the magic of Terje Rypdal, the aura of early William Ackerman, the eccentric multiple pickups of Fred Frith – but really this is unique in guitar repertoire. Reichel built his instru-ments as tools for improvised exploration, and then he dove deep into them, never so far as on tracks like“Could Be Nice” or the quivering “Southern Monologue,” or the two brilliant versions of the title track, “Bonobo Beach.” On “Two small pieces announced by a cigar-box,” the titular box is bowed in a vocal manner that portends Reichel’s development of the daxophone. This CD reissue, licensed directly from FMP, restores Reichel’s original artwork and design for the LP, as well as an amusing insert tracking the development of his guitars from 1972-1981. A beautiful, essential document from one of the great outsider guitarists of all time.