ホーム | -----B > Buh RecordsV.A "Territorio del eco: Experimentalismos y visiones de lo ancestral en el Peru (1975​-​1989)" [LP]

V.A "Territorio del eco: Experimentalismos y visiones de lo ancestral en el Peru (1975​-​1989)" [LP]

価格: 4,037円(税込)
Label: Buh Records

Buh Recordsファン垂涎の高内容実験V.A!!モダンジャズからの派生や前衛音楽からの影響を受け、ペルーの実験シーンに於いて最も多くのエクスペリメンタル音源が生まれた1975~1989年。この期間に制作された希少かつ秀逸な音源を厳選し纏め上げたコンピレーション作がリリース!!ネイティブの楽器、伝統音楽のメロディーがエレクトロニスや前衛的作曲法と融合した、まさに歴史的な瞬間及びその変化を確認出来る一枚であり、奇才マルチインストゥルメンタリストMiguel Flores、電子音楽家Arturo Ruiz Del Pozo、Luis David Aguilar、即興演奏家Omar Aramayo等々、個人的にも大好きなアーティストが数多く参加した超高内容。300部限定、8ページブックレット付き。

Limited to 300 copies, 8 pages booklet with english liner notes and photos

The Land of Echo: Experimentalisms and Visions of the Ancestral in Peru (1975-1989)

First compilation brings together the Peruvian experimental scene from 1975 to 1989, a period was the most prolific for a generation of Peruvian artists who, based on musical conceptions derived from modern jazz and techniques inherited from avant-garde music, sought to integrate the sounds of Andean, Afro-Peruvian and Amazonian cultures in search of a new musical universe. Native instruments and folk melodies were used in compositions that demanded modern recording techniques and electronic sounds. This generation was articulated in Lima and was made up of musicians such as Omar Aramayo, Manongo Mujica, Arturo Ruiz del Pozo, Miguel Flores (Ave Acústica), Douglas Tarnawiecki (Espíritus), Luis David Aguilar, Chocolate Algendones and Corina Bartra.
But more than a movement, it was a set of individuals from dissimilar origins, who came from rock, jazz, contemporary classical and popular music, but also from the visual arts and poetry, and who had in common the cultural climate of the late seventies and early eighties in a country marked by a series of social and economic transformations, as well as the emergence of new visions and insertions of Andean culture and folklore in the city. The appearance of a mythical substrate connected the work of these musicians and defined an aesthetic, based on the deconstruction of folklore and the exploration of the possibilities that indigenous instruments offered. And from there they could go towards abstract, symbolic and conceptual forms, but also towards more melodic forms, with a strong influence of jazz, while also taking advantage of electronics and the possibilities of the recording studio.

Territorio del eco: experimentalismos y visiones de lo ancestral en el Perú (1975-1989) - The Land of Echo: Experimentalisms and Visions of the Ancestral in Peru (1975-1989) - is a compilation that offers an overview of what was one of the moments of greatest creative intensity for experimental music in Peru in its encounter with indigenous sounds. Rescued from private archives and limited editions on cassette, these pieces are reissued for the first time in vinyl LP format. The album includes extensive notes written by Luis Alvarado, author of the compilation, as well as much visual documentation. Cover art by Paloma Pizarro.
Beneficiary project of the Economic Stimuli for Culture 2020 of the Ministry of Culture of Peru.