ホーム | -----P > Possible MotiveFelicity Mangan "Train Tracks Recorded And Edited By Felicity Mangan" [Cassette]

Felicity Mangan "Train Tracks Recorded And Edited By Felicity Mangan" [Cassette]

価格: 1,507円(税込)
Label: Possible Motive

廃盤、非常に面白い作りの電車サウンドスケープ!!ベルリンを拠点とするオーストラリアのサウンド アーティスト、作曲家、教育者であるFelicity Manganが2022年末に発表したソロカセット作。タイトル[Train Tracks Recorded And Edited By Felicity Mangan]から分かる通り、デンマーク、スウェーデン、フィンランド、ノルウェーを電車とフェリーだけで旅行、その際に録音したフィールドレコーディングだけを使い構築した電車及び周辺環境の環境音ミックス。大きな加工はせずにしっとりほぼそのままの形で紡いでいます。

Felicity is an Australian sound artist, composer and educator based in Berlin and her latest effort "Train Tracks Recorded And Edited By Felicity Mangan" will be out world wide on tape and digital December 9.

"Train Tracks Recorded And Edited By Felicity Mangan" composed of field recordings was made during a Green Tour, while traveling only by train and ferry through Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Norway in June 2022.

For this release Felicity utilised raw and sampled field recordings to create a sense of slow travel by train, train networks, train delays and the moments in between waiting for trains or missed train connection in cities and small towns.

Felicity has presented projects in many different settings from galleries, gardens, clubs, festivals and online platforms throughout Europe, including National Gallery Denmark, Technosphärenklänge CTM/HKW, Sonic Acts Academy, RIVERSSSOUNDS.org and recently sound design for 100 Climate Conversations , Powerhouse Museum, Sydney, Australia.