ホーム | -----P > PentimentsGuido Gamboa "Saturday's Notes" [LP]

Guido Gamboa "Saturday's Notes" [LP]

価格: 3,267円(税込)
Label: Pentiments

サウンドアートのパイオニアLeif Brushの録音を初めて音盤化する等、間違いなくディープな音楽性の持ち主であるPentimentsの主宰者Guido Gamboa。レーベル一作目として制作した自身の1stヴァイナル。7パートに分けられた環境音主体のガサゴソ系コンクレートで、明らかに普通じゃない職人気質が漂っています。大推薦。

"Guido Gamboa was a name I did not know until he contacted me. I am glad he did. Saturday's Notes is a superb LP, somewhat in the early 80s UK experimental tape scene mode, but also with elements of Musique Concrète and a perhaps more modern, or at least cleaner sound. The music is very well organized. Tappings, groanings, squeaks, hissings, and field recordings. I have heard way too many 'soundscape' recordings over the last few years and am somewhat dubious as to the future of this style. However, Gamboa's LP is top notch throughout. Saturday's Notes is somewhat similar to the aesthetic of the Vitrine or Crisis Of Taste labels, while at the same time being a bit more considered and less crude. Top notch work." - Scott Foust, Swill Radio