1999年に同Robot Recordsよりリリースされた、Christoph Heemann & Andreas Martin兄弟による廃盤2CD[Lebenserinnerungen Eines Lepidopterologen]がボーナスを2曲追加し遂にCDリイシュー。Andreas Martinの流麗且つ変則なギターインストゥルメンタルと、ドラクエのオーケストラコラージュまでが登場するまさにChristoph Heemannらしい秀逸なミックスが飛び出す説明不要の決定版!!それぞれが初期にリリースした10インチ及びH.N.A.S.のオリジナルアートワークもインナーにプリントされています。
Unavailable for over 10 years, this new edition of "Lebenserinnerungen Eines Lepidopterologen" ("Memoirs of a Lepidopterist") collects the collaborative and early solo works of Andreas Martin and Christoph Heemann as an extensive 2CD retrospective. Moving between minimalist guitar compositions, tape-music narratives, and an array of cascading electronics, each of Martin and Heemann's solo recordings blend seamlessly within the milieu of their collaborative work. While one can hear how this forged the groundwork for much of the late-period H.N.A.S. material, the work here took the vision further, and helped shape a path toward their respective solo endeavors. Included are compositions from their first solo releases: Martin's "Doppelpunkt Vor Ort" (1993) and Heemann's-"Uber den Umgang mit Umgebung and Andere Versuche" (1991), each originally released as small edition 10" vinyl. Also featured is a prime selection of previously unreleased material, obscure 7" tracks, and their collaborative opus from the (H.N.A.S.) "Ach, Dieser Bart!" LP (1988). This deluxe set includes two additional tracks (not appearing on the previous edition), remastered audio, and fully restored visuals. All packaged in a beautiful mini-LP gatefold jacket with an updated 4-page booklet. Over 100 minutes of music covering the years 1987-2000.
Volume I
1. Nuchtern Fahren, Sicher Ankommen (1988) / 2. Die Drei Wege ens Unbekannte Teil 1 (1991, 1995) / 3. ...Und Schritt Ruckling ins Wasser, der Aussicht Wegen (1992) / 4. Dre Drei Wege ins Unbekannte Teil 2 (1991, 1995) / 5. Über Den Umgang Mit Umgebung und Andere Versuche Teil 1 (1991) / 6. Teil 2 (1991) / 7. Teil 3 (1991) / 8. Fussgänger (2000)
Volume II
1. Die Sagenhaften Hühner (1993) / 2. Bärenluder (1993) / 3. Wurstfinger (1993) / 4. Fahrradmusik (1992/93) / 5. Hirschmöhre (1993) / 6. Die Nachbarn (1991) / 7. Als der Morgen kam, war es, als sei nur eine Nacht vergangen (1987/88) / 8. Untitled (1992)
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