Music Manのアートワークを使った初のLPリイシュー版 !!世界初のソロ・ダブルベース録音と云われる最強の名演!!オリジナルは1969年にMusic Manよりリリース、その後(ほぼ同時期)フランスFutura Records、米Opus OneからもLP出版された米ジャズベーシストの偉人バール・フィリップスの1st作。1968年にロンドンのセント・ジェームズ教会内部で披露された全3時間に及ぶ演奏より抜粋した録音が収録されており、ベースソロとは到底思えない異質な音響が次々と溢れ続ける。生々しいレコーディング環境もこの作品をより一層崇高なものへと押し上げています。
Recorded in St. James Norlands church in London in November 1968 and first released in the following year, this work stands as the first solo bass album in the history of Jazz and improvised music. Born in 1934 in San Francisco, Barre Phillips is one the most influential bassists of his generation. In his long career Phillips has played and recorded with almost everyone in the world of Jazz and beyond, a long list of forward thinking music icons including Don Ellis, Bobby Hutcherson, Dave Holland, Archie Shepp, Marion Brown, John Surman, Paul Bley, Evan Parker just to name a few! Originally recorded as part of a 3 hours session this solo tour-de force expresses the true essence of a genius. A multifaceted, kaleidoscopic journey through a myriad of melodic, rhythmic, fretted and bowed lines. In other words: a true master class and a seminal statement from one of the greatest figures in creative music!
‘...Not just an improviser of the highest order; but a true sound sculptor capable of drawing from his instrument such a vast array of shapes and colours that his creation is almost a form of visual art for the ears.’ - Jazzwise
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