Label: Recollection GRM
フランスGMVLの共同設立者であり、地元の大学にてエレクトロアコースティックを教え、そして何より鳥類学とサウンドスケープの研究にて知られる重要作曲家のBernard Fort。1996年にメタムキンの架空のサントラミニCDシリーズに登場した1981年作曲作品[Fractals]と、初出の2017年作[Brain Fever]を纏めた新編集のヴァイナル復刻版。まさにこの人物らしい有機的な音色が満載の内容であり、水生動物の声にも似たユニークな電子音のレイヤーだけで編成した5パートからなる[Fractals]、南インドの森の野鳥の声をベースにエキセントリックなサウンドスケープを展開する[Brain Fever]、どちらも名曲です。
Composed at the GMVL from December 1979 to September 1981, this work was commissioned by Fnac.
Fractals are mathematical oddities that, when crossing our path, turn the smallest island into an immensity to be explored.
FRACTALS is a series of short studies, all based on the same sound source. Seeking in the sound and its very logic a proposal upon which a construction is elaborated, each Fractal remains open and is a mere fragment of itself.
FRACTALS, music pieces sculpted in four dimensions, are vast microcosms that can only be inhabited by the mind. Each Fractal can be approached from several angles, far, near, etc. Some can be listened to at different speeds, forwards or backwards.
FRACTALS: amorphous and endless music pieces whose centre is everywhere and circumference nowhere.
FRACTALS are available in stereo (34'32), in 8 tracks for concerts, and as "spare parts" (separate mixing tracks open to new combinations).
Brain Fever (2017), 18'00
Wherever you may be in the forest of South India, the Brain Fever bird, together with the Seven Sisters, literally gets into your head. Whether it be early morning, daytime, or nighttime, amidst the stridulations of insects, its song utterly reflects Indian life: sonorous, noisy, insistent, dense, overcrowded, mobile, swarming, frantic, overheated, deprived of rest and sleep.
Brain Fever echoes sonic images caught in the Aurovillian forest, near Pondicherry, and rich fragments of improvisations made in Lyon on analog sound synthesis or feedback devices, the kind I used to do in the first GMVL studios.