ホーム | -----A > Alga MarghenEliane Radigue "In Memoriam-Ostinato / Danse Des Dakinis" [LP]

Eliane Radigue "In Memoriam-Ostinato / Danse Des Dakinis" [LP]

価格: 3,927円(税込)
Label: Alga Marghen

Alga Marghenが展開するFeedback Worksドキュメントシリーズの最終章!!ミュージック・コンクレートの創始者らに師事しながらも、チベット仏教に深く関係した唯一無二のスタイルで超深淵なドローン作品を提示し続ける作曲家Eliane Radigue。ここAlga Marghenが長年続けてきたフィードバックシリーズの最終タイトルがリリース!!彼女の持つ万華鏡のようなビジョンを音像化した1969年の楽曲[In Memoriam-Ostinato]、自身の古いコレクションテープ数種を使い古い素材で再構築した[Danse Des Dakinis]、どちらも図太く且つ深淵な仕上がりとなっています。




Conceived in a short time, with all kind of tapes from the composer's past work, it fluently shows a kaleidoscopic vision of Radigue's sensibility for sound. In 1998 she put together a curious self-portrait in sound. There is a feedback ostinato conceived around 1969 and which refers to "In Memoriam-Ostinato" and "Opus 17". All through "Danse des Dakinis" you plunge into the sound of a creek recorded at Mills College campus that brings you back to the field-recordings from the beginning of the 1960s, made on the coasts of the Mediterranean Sea. Such elements construct "Elemental 1" as well. There are also some discreet interventions on the ARP 2500 synthesizer. It is indeed a peculiar work, which doesn't have the same features of her other compositions, especially at that time of her compositional path.

There is an explanation for the composer producing this kind of sound material in 1998, and not limited to the sound waves of the ARP synthesizer. Invited to a workshop at Mills College in 1998, Eliane Radigue could not load herself down with her bulky instrument on such a trip. So, she left with just a few tapes taken from her own collection, drawn from different periods, and composed "Danse des Dakinis" with those old elements. There is tension in this composition, a certain wildness, an unpredictability of elements, those which are recognized as fundamental elements, which give structure to the universe. "Dance des Dakinis" is an intimate and wild symphony, alive and unpredictable, which is to be the next-to-last gesture of the composer before completely stopping her work with electronics.