ホーム | -----D > Dead Mind RecordsEnno Velthuys "Ontmoeting" [LP]

Enno Velthuys "Ontmoeting" [LP]

価格: 3,487円(税込)
Label: Dead Mind Records

1stアルバムが初LP化!!オランダDead Mind RecordsのオーナーJohnny van de Koolwijkが非常に強い個人的思い入れでリイシューを継続している、本国オランダの伝説的シンセサイザー音楽家Enno Velthuysの諸音源。フルクサス創設に関わったWillem de Ridderに才能を見出され音源制作を続けた人物であり、本作は1982年にKubus Kassettesよりカセットリリースされた歴史的1st[Ontmoeting]。まさに氏の音楽性の原点が様々な角度から確認出来る歪なアンビエント・マスターピースで、シュルレアリスティック・フィルム様な世界観が非常にヤバい。リマスタリングはJos Smoldersが担当。

Ontmoeting (Encounter) from 1982 marks the beginning of the published audio works of Enno Velthuys. When Rob Smit of Kubus Kassettes first visited Enno to discuss the possibilities of releasing a cassette, he was open to the idea and gave Smit access to his tape archive of recorded tracks to cherry pick his favorite pieces. Initially Enno felt the selection didn’t do justice to his broader musical spectrum, that also included more rhythm orientated guitar pieces, but in hindsight it probably gave him a new sense of direction.

On this album, a mixture of spacious ambient and synth-leaden music, we hear Enno in transition. Experimenting, searching for his own voice. Some pieces are reminiscent of a classic dungeon explorer game while others have a more surreal, cinematic feel. Although 40 years old, Ontmoeting still sounds incredibly fresh today and stands as a pivotal ambient release from the early 80’s.