シルバー・カラーヴァイナルは限定500部!!1991年にUnited DairiesよりCDリリース、その後2014年にUnited Jnanaが1度だけCD化したNurse With Woundの激ヤバ・ライブ音源集成[Live At Bar Maldoror]。フランスRotoreliefが初のヴァイナル復刻!!まだ頻繁にライブを行なっていなかった80年代中期から後期に掛けての音源を中心に纏めたもので、加えてChristoph Heemann、Colin Potter、Timo Van Luijkが参加したそれ以降のテイクも収録。ランダムに投下されるパーカッションや日本語の語り、冷徹な持続音レイヤー、巧みなテープマニピュレーション、どこから切り込んでも全てが新鮮に聞こえてくる異様な演奏形態が滅茶苦茶ヤバい。
The long-running and infamous project known as Nurse With Wound, essentially Steven Stapleton joined by a rotating cast of characters as Annie Anxiety, Chris Wallis, David Tibet, Diana Rogerson, John Balance (of Coil fame) — mixes the overly serious chin-scratching of the contemporary avant-garde with a healthy dose of absurdist humour and wit. Often unfortunately branded with the industrial’s tag, Stapleton’s music actually reflects elements of musique concrète, ambient and free improvisation juxtaposed against more traditional forms. No one pigeonhole can adequately describe this diverse and immense catalogue: only by diving in can one truly appreciate the varied sonic possibilities of Stapleton’s unfettered imagination. He’s that weird, and he’s that good.
In the mid 1980s, Nurse With Wound existed as a live band for only eight shows, of which only five were in front of an actual audience. Live at Bar Maldoror, released in 1991, documents these various live incarnations and makes up the first CD of this two- disc set. Having been remastered by Andrew Liles, the diverse and lengthy pieces (which were actually recorded in disparate locales, none of which are named Bar Maldoror) sound rather contemporary. Sparse percussion, tape manipulation, loops, noise, dark drones, improvised semi-musical instrumentation and strangled glossolalia all expose the many facets of Stapleton’s oeuvre.
In 2023, as part of the silver editions, Rotorelief records released Bar Maldoror as a double vinyl album, a luxurious Gatefold with 4 panels of artwork by Babs Santini
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