ホーム | -----# > 13Roberto Dani | Forme Sonore Ensemble "Incanto" [CD]

Roberto Dani | Forme Sonore Ensemble "Incanto" [CD]

価格: 2,277円(税込)
Label: 13

待望の新録!!同レーベルより発表した前作ソロ[Notturno]が非常に素晴らしかった、プリペアド・ドラムスという特殊な自作パーカッションセットを使い90年代から独自の演奏法の探求を続けているRoberto Dani。アンサンブル形態で録音された2023年作[Incanto]を入荷。前作同様に静謐且つ荘厳な空気が充満する内容ながら、アンサンブルならではの音の配置と掛け合いが見事であり、特に間の使い方が非常に上手い。様々なリスナーにリーチする激推しの即興もの。

Another collection of music that, instead of offering an escape route, loads you with questions. Music that originates in a grey, intermediate zone: pieces conceived and performed by an informal group of musicians which were not written. They are improvised but, instead of existing only in their own time, they are rooted in deep interpersonal relationships. A perfect balance between freedom and rigour, between visions and penumbra, between long and complex relationships and splinters of the present. The difficulty, once again, is not in the listening itself but in choosing sides.