ホーム | -----A > Artisti Del 900Dominique Grimaud "Broken Saxophones" [LP]

Dominique Grimaud "Broken Saxophones" [LP]

価格: 3,927円(税込)
Label: Artisti Del 900

ボーカルアンサンブルとして70年代に始動、徐々に多くの楽器を導入し独自のアナーキーな混沌音楽を追求したフランスの伝説的アンダーグラウンド・グループCamizole。このユニットの中心人物であり、現在も精力的に活動しているマルチ・インストゥルメンタリストDominique GrimaudがADNから単独LPをリリース。Camizole & Urban Saxで活動したJacky Dupety、同時期に活動したDavid Fenechがゲストで参加、型破りなリズム配置と変則的音響を無理やり混ぜこぜにした全16曲のアヴァン演奏集。程良い脱力具合とシリアスさのバランスが良い。




Dominique Grimaud was a member of an historical French underground group called Camizole. This group of mainly self-taught musicians started in the seventies as a vocal ensemble progressively introducing a growing number of instruments that gave them the possibility to create an unique anarchic musical chaos. Their original sound could be juxtaposed with Faust , Lard Free or even Urban Sax . Well, you will find the original spirit of Camizole in this work. The title “Broken Saxophones” gives you a correct clue of what you will find inside: "King Sax" declined in a big variety of moods, sometimes raw, sometimes filtered, sometimes groaning, sometimes subtle and harmonic but always obstinately broken. Very important is also the work of Veronique Vilhet with her percussions giving an unconventional rhythmical support to the evolution of all wind instruments. The two hosts are also quite important : Jacky Dupety (saxophones on one track) who was one of the original members of Camizole and David Fenech (guitar on one track and pre-master work on the LP) who played with nearly all the fathers of French underground of the seventies (Jacques Berrocal, Pascal Comelade, Ghedalia Tazartes, Pierre Bastien…). The past and the present of French out of standard music. This Lp is a proof of how you can produce a real new unconventional sound nowadays without following the alternative music mainstream.