レアカセット及び未発表音源を纏めた極上過ぎるアーカイヴ!!1982年5月にLon C. Diehl、Carla J. Nordstrom、Richard Skott Ruschらによって結成された米インダストリアル/エクスペリメンタル・バンドHunting Lodge。今までにもHands ToやDomaine Poetiqueの貴重なアーカイヴボックスを出版してきた米New Forcesが、このバンドの初期希少音源を纏め上げ3CDセットでリイシュー!!バンドの設立40周年を記念して作られた作品であり、ライブ録音のみで纏めた1982年の1stカセット[Harrington Ballroom]、初めてのスタジオレコーディングとなった1983年カセット[Exhumed]、そして同年の地下室即興演奏を纏めた半分以上が初出の[Reanimated]という、初期の貴重な記録が纏められた高内容。是非高密度のササクレノイズの放射に身を委ねて頂きたい大推薦タイトル。
Industrial legends Hunting Lodge was founded in May of 1982 by Lon C. Diehl, Carla J. Nordstrom & Richard Skott Rusch. To commemorate the 40th anniversary of the band’s inception and of their initial releases, this set contains the entirety of the recorded output from the original lineup. A mandatory archival release that New Forces is very proud to make available as a 3-CD set.
Harrington Ballroom is a restoration of the first Hunting Lodge release, a live recording from their first public appearance September 4th, 1982 which was released later that month on a 60 minute cassette.
Exhumed represented the first “studio” recordings of Hunting Lodge to be released commercially. This contained the entirety of the promo-only 23 Minutes Of Murder (October 1982) along with enough supplemental material to fill out a full-length cassette album. Exhumed was originally released by Datenverarbeitung, (West) Germany in March of 1983.
Reanimated is a “rarities” album which contains nearly half an hour of previously unreleased material. The first three tracks are full length recordings from a basement improvisation which the three band members recorded in January of 1983, in order to flesh out enough material for Exhumed. In addition, Reanimated contains new mixes, alternate versions and tracks never before released.
These recordings are newly transferred from the original tapes by Knox Mitchell, restored & remastered by Grant Richardson, and have never sounded better.
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