ホーム | -----A > Abstrakce RecordsJeff Greinke "Big Weather" [LP]

Jeff Greinke "Big Weather" [LP]

価格: 3,597円(税込)
Label: Abstrakce Records

CDオンリーでリリースされていた94年隠れ名作が初LP化!!ペンシルベニア州立大学で気象学を学びながら1980年に楽曲制作を開始、82年より自主出版でカセットを発表した後レーベルINTREPIDを設立した米コンポーザーJeff Greinke。94年にLinden MusicよりCDフォーマットで出版したトライバル・アンビエントの傑作[Big Weather]が初再発。気象現象を音響に置き換え生み出した豊富なパターンのエキゾリズム、エレクトロニクスとアコースティック演奏の見事なバランスも相俟って非常に魅力的なダウンテンポに仕上がっています。手掛けたのはスペインAbstrakce Records。

First ever vinyl release of this tribal ambient gem. A plethora of exotic rhythms and sonic meteorological phenomena. Loops, leftfield beats, and all kinds of textures from the 4th world and beyond. Originally released in 1994 on CD, it is a true beauty of electronic hypnotism and sonic exoticism. Through a highly developed process of layering, Jeff composes and performs music rich in texture, depth, mood, and subtle detail. His blend of electronic and acoustic instruments and textures produces haunting yet inviting soundscapes with a strong sense of place that hover somewhere between the exotic and the familiar. Moreover, you will find here collabs from other great artists: Dennis Rea (Savant) on guitar and Rob Angus with drum programming.

Jeff Greinke began composing and performing music in 1980 while studying meteorology at Pennsylvania State University. After moving to Seattle in 1982, Jeff formed the production company and recording label, INTREPID, through which he produced his first LP, Cities in Fog. He has since released twenty other recordings on various U.S. and European labels. He has composed music for film, video, dance, theatre, radio, and art installations. Jeff has toured throughout the United States and Europe and has performed in China, Canada, and Mexico. He has also been a member of numerous ensembles and is founder of the group LAND.