Label: Art into Life - AIL030
凡そ1年半を掛け1988年に完成、標準時子午線が通る地点で「秋分の日に、一日、自然に耳を澄ます」行為の為に作られた、鈴木昭男氏の主要サウンド・プロジェクト"日向ぼっこの空間”。図面や当時の関係資料、テキストを掲載した44ページブックと2つの空間録音をセットにし作品化。この巨大な土壁の空間の録音は過去に極一部を切り取ったパフォーマンス音源が出ているものの、このプロジェクトの趣旨である空間そのものの環境音というのは残されておらず、今回の音源には実際に鈴木氏が座り音を聴いた地点の”無人の空間フィールドレコーディング(1993年 - 60分)"を初収録 (ディスク2には空間でのパフォーマンスを収録)。現在は取り壊され体感する事が出来ない土壁の柔らかなエコーの響きが蘇る。
CD1 : 空間の記録 (60’00)
Recorded by Yoshihiro Kawasaki
CD2 : 空間での遊び 投げかけ (41’30)
Play1 : 12’54
Play2 : 12’26
Play3 : 15’49
Played by Akio Suzuki
Recorded by Yoshihiro Kawasaki
Text:四方幸子, 中川真, 鈴木昭男, 川崎義弘
Space in the Sun was one of Akio Suzuki’s major sound projects, a unique construction completed in 1988 and located on the merdian line, which took around 18 months to build. Its purpose was to allow Suzuki to spend one day, on the autumnal equinox, purifying his sense of hearing in nature. This release comprises a 44 page book containing plans and materials from the time alongside texts, and two CDs of environmental recordings created on site at Space in the Sun. To date only tiny fragments of the recordings made between those massive clay brick walls have been used in performances and no environmental recordings of the objective of the project, i.e. the space itself, have been released. The first disk consists of the first release of “person-less” field recordings made at the same spot that Akio sat at during the event (recorded in 1993, 60 minutes). The second disk consists of a performance that took place in the space. Space in the Sun’s earthen walls have since been demolished, so these recordings represent a return to life of their soft echo, an experience accessible nowhere else.
CD1: A record of the space (60:00)
An unedited one hour cut, taken from one of the three different recordings of Space in the Sun. Recorded by Yoshihiro Kawasaki
CD2: Playing in the space: Throwing and Following (41:30)
A record of a performance by Suzuki at Space in the Sun using tree branches and small pebbles.