ホーム | -----R > Room40FINAL "What We Don't See" [CD]

FINAL "What We Don't See" [CD]

価格: 2,387円(税込)
Label: Room40

80年代初頭にJustin Broadrickを軸に始動した英国バーミンガムのインダストリアル&実験的プロジェクトFinal。なんとオーストラリアのRoom40から2024年新録を出版。"目に見えない世界"をテーマに掲げそれに対する自身の必要性を探った一枚で、強靭で図太い音色ながら全体はアンビエンスに包まれた不思議な感触の持続音を放射。時折オーケストラの様な壮大なイメージが出現する絶妙な音の揺らぎも素晴らしい。美しいエンボス加工スリーブ、インサート付き。

Embossed, monochrome printed and matte laminate sleeve, insert card

From Justin Broadrick:

The theme of this recording is the invisible world, and one's (my) need for it.

It's necessary for me, this idea of the invisible world, if I am to function on a daily basis. I find comfort in knowing that this is all not just us here and now, that there's something else around us. That there's something within
us, that isn't just this frail skin and bones and the immediate environments
we drag ourselves around.

I am sure since I was a child, that within me I am many, I am more than this.

I surely can't be just this, so I am motivated by the fantasy and/or promise of more...