ホーム | -----A > AloardiChrs Galarreta & Janneke van der Putten "Invisible Architecture" [LP]

Chrs Galarreta & Janneke van der Putten "Invisible Architecture" [LP]

価格: 5,247円(税込)
Label: Aloardi

この機会をお見逃し無く!!大音量でのプレイを推奨、33回転、45回転、どちらでも再生可能な面白物件!!様々なボーカリゼーション・テクニックを独学で生み出し、北インドのドゥルパドをAmelia CuniとMarianne Svasekに師事、主に残響深い建築物内部や自然環境を利用したサイトスペシフィックなボイスパフォーマンスを行うロッテルダムの女性作家Janneke van der Putten。レコーディングのスペシャリストであるChristian Galarretaとの連名で発表した1st音源[Invisible Architecture]。本作はフランスにあるアートセンターの巨大な塔内で録音されており、ボイスだけでは無く周辺の環境音や軽めの物音演奏を巨大なリヴァーブと共に大放射。ジャケットはシルク刷りの非常にカッコイイ仕様。

Composed to be played at 45 or 33 rpm (setting pitch control of the turntable half tone down is strongly advised at 33 rpm).

The acoustic architecture of a specific space are explored through its surrounding sounds, subtle acoustic phenomena and the human voice. Resonances and reverberations are emphasized and prolonged through vocal interaction with sound space and not-conventional different microphone techniques. In this project Galarreta & van der Putten want to make the acoustic reflections audible, more than the direct source that generate it. The frequencies, amplitude, modulation of sound textures, as well as the breathing voice rhythm, the position of the microphones and its types, are responding to the qualities of the chosen site and its acoustic characteristics.

Composition, mixing, microphone techniques by Christian Galarreta.
Voice by Janneke van der Putten.
Recorded in a tower & during van der Putten's residency at The Castle, Centre international d’art et du paysage, Île de Vassivière (FR), 2013.

Edition of 300 vinyls with silkscreened inlay & cover.
Poetic text (inserted) by Galarreta & van der Putten.
Design together with Koos Siep, printed at De Mesh, Rotterdam
Published by label Aloardi (Alo 56). Thanks to the Mondriaan Fund.