ホーム | -----K > KlanggalerieFrancisco Meirino & Jerome Noetinger "Drainage, In Six Parts" [CD]

Francisco Meirino & Jerome Noetinger "Drainage, In Six Parts" [CD]

価格: 2,387円(税込)
Label: Klanggalerie

ミュージックコンクレート・ファンは是非!!ジュネーヴの民族芸術博物館"MEG"のサウンドアーカイブを使ったコラージュやINA-GRMでの録音も残しているFrancisco Meirino、元フランスの有名ディストリビューターMetamkineの運営者にして音楽家としても高い評価を受けているJerome Noetinger、ソロでも素晴らしい活動を展開する2者が2019年に行った気合いのコンクレート・セッション!!多くの説明は不要、互いに純粋な音響操作のみで作り上げた巧みな構築美。大推薦。

Francisco Meirino is a sound artist based in Switzerland. His music explores the tension between programmable material and the potential for its failure. His interest lies primarily in what is not supposed to be recorded : the end of life of electronic devices, electrostatic noise, magnetic fields and the unconventional use of music hardware and sound systems and how to exploit these sonic failures in radically different ways in his sound pieces. His music combines intricate textures, sonic precision, wide spatial panning and is fascinating by its physical intensity and detail precision. Born April 1966, in Marseille, Jérôme Noetinger discovered experimental music under the influence of the Déficit Des Années Antérieures in Caen. He is a composer/improviser/sound artist working with electroacoustic devices. Composing sometimes musique concrete in the studio, and performing improvised music using electroacoustic devices such as: the reel to reel tape recorder Revox B77 and magnetic tape, analogue synthesizers, mixing desks, speakers, microphones, various electronic household objects and home-made electronica. Performing both solo and in ensembles, and collaborating often, and touring extensively internationally. Jerome also used to be the director of Metamkine, a non-profit organisation dedicated to the distribution of improvised and electroacoustic music, which has now been changed to Corticalart with a different personnel.. The music on this CD was recorded by the duo in 2019 in Switzerland.