ホーム | -----U > Un Je-Ne-Sais-QuoiDomotic "Palazzo" [LP]

Domotic "Palazzo" [LP]

価格: 3,927円(税込)
Label: Un Je-Ne-Sais-Quoi

INA-GRMより招待を受け録音された面白ミニマル音響!!00年代初頭よりフランスにて音楽家/サウンドデザイナーとして活動、アーティスト名義Domoticとして多くのアルバムを残しているStephane Laporte。自身の根幹であるミニマルミュージックを軸に作り上げた非常に面白い動きの反復及びアブストラクト音響。チープなエレクトロニクス・システムならではの軽い感触も心地良い、レトロなゲーム的世界からエレガントなミニマリズムまでと凄い振り幅で進行します。個人的大推薦レーベルUn Je-Ne-Sais-Quoiからの出版。

Limited Edition 12" Vinyl with 14x14cm insert on drawing paper.
Purchase of the album comes with an exclusive binaural mix of Palazzo ( headphones only )

Domotic − the alias used by musician Stéphane Laporte − composed and mixed this new album, Palazzo, at the invitation of Ina GRM, and it is a wonderful addition to a career full of projects and numerous releases. Recorded with his favorite analog synth, the SH01, his four-track MT4X and a Copicat tape echo unit, this electronic piece was subsequently mixed in binaural and stereo.

Palazzo is a bedazzled dreamful walk along which Domotic gleans pictures, snapshots, stories and materials, which he connects like a film maker.
The narration is tortuous, as if it were to reveal his course, his thoughts behind each sound, each breath, each step.
First of all the mineral, the gait, the rhythm go with the aleatory; a singing bird, a rustling forest building the space and making everything imperceptible to the ear.
Then the sources mix up in a controlled swarm like so many contemplation cycles, ever-evolving worlds.
And always coming up in the way: worrying beats, the body that stiffens. The changing environment brings our senses to a boil. Domotic liberates, reroutes and recreates himself in his melodies.
Eventually his intentions become clear in more resonant buildups: he turns into an architect.
Like the final level in a video game, his Palazzo always presents you with more mysteries.
From the grandiose geometry of clammy rooms to the elegant minimalism with which mirror games and reflections deform space, from tiny nooks to big ballrooms, the trajectory is deceitfully old-fashioned.
Each new perspective is unsettling, each glimpse gives a new twist to reality. The limp develops and disappears, the design shows, bright and clear, and the Palazzo reveals itself to be once more luxuriant, spacious, gleaming and lyrical.