ホーム | -----B > Born Bad RecordsV.A "Tape Music, Sound Experiments And Free Folk Songs From Freinet Classes 1962-1982" [CD + 28 pages booklet]

V.A "Tape Music, Sound Experiments And Free Folk Songs From Freinet Classes 1962-1982" [CD + 28 pages booklet]

価格: 2,387円(税込)
Label: Born Bad Records

瞬殺廃盤タイトルが再プレス!!CD版には28ページブックレットが付属!!ピュアな前衛音源集!!フランスの著名な教育者であり、学校教育に子供たちの自発的なグループ活動を導入、その人間性を養うことを目的とした教育方式を生み出した偉人セレスタン・フレネ。その流れから学校では芸術や工芸がより重要視される様になり、本作は当時の子供たちが教室で奏でた奔放な演奏記録を収録した編集V.A。スプリングやボトル、たらい、解体されたピアノ、ドラム、竹、DIY電子機器を自由に使った興味深い録音が満載で、プリミティブな即興、アカペラ歌唱、 物音や弦のハンマリング、磁気テープのピュア実験、民謡等々、1962年から1982年にかけてフランス全土の学校から集められたこれらの録音は、当時数十枚のレコードとして纏められていた模様。全く毒されていない純粋な実験記録。ブックレットには抜粋したオリジナル盤や様々な資料を掲載。

Includes 20-page booklet. France, early sixties: the Mouvement de l'École moderne is in full bloom. Relying on the experiments and writings of its founder, the educationist Célestin Freinet, this consortium of teachers is about to give empirical evidence proving that another approach to music in school can be fruitful. With its pragmatic, anti-authoritarian tack, the method that Freinet was already developing in the 1920s held children in respect, giving them confidence and autonomy. Freinet very soon started to put his principles into practice, experimenting in person a series of innovating techniques that would become emblematic: removing the rostrum, reorganizing the classroom, encouraging cooperation, developing activities such as school printing or inter-school correspondence... As the wish to encourage free expression was central in the Freinet philosophy, arts and crafts were given more importance at school; in this regard, singing and music had a part to play, just as much as writing or drawing. While classrooms filled with a joyful jumble of sound-making objects (springs, bottles and basins, dismantled piano frames, drums, bamboos and the first DIY electronics), singular forms of music started ringing out: wild improvising, delicate a-cappella singing, clanks and dissonant string hammerings, basic experiments with magnetic tapes, evanescent folk songs... Between 1962 and 1982, recordings collected from schools everywhere around France were compiled on dozens of vinyl records. Mostly destined to teachers and friends supporting or gravitating around the Mouvement, these short-format records documented the evolution of practices and approaches: catchy headings such as "Musique libre" (free music), "Recherches sur la voix" (vocal experiments), "Musiques concrètes" (concrete music), "Musiques électroniques" (electronic music) or "Musiques d'ailleurs" (music from elsewhere) are particularly telling. And the music that could be heard on these groundbreaking records was the work of pupils from small towns in Lot-et-Garonne, Oise, and Alpes Maritime -- not exactly the archetypal privileged children benefitting from an upper-class economic and cultural background... Rather, children from rural schools with a single classroom, and sometimes, atypical or struggling children oriented towards the so-called "classes de perfectionnement." Liner notes in English and French.