LPサイズの16ページ・ブックレット付き!!1971年にサイケデリック・ロックバンドTetragonへと発展していく、67年に結成されたドイツのグループTrikolonの超激レア唯一作[Cluster]。オリジナルは69年に限定150枚でプライベートレーベルから発表、現在はコレクターズアイテムとして知られる大変貴重な一枚であり、本作はGarden Of Delightsがリイシューした2022年のLP復刻版。ジャーマンキーボーディストHendrik Schaperのオルガンを軸に編成、クラシカルでアグレッシヴな構造、またインプロヴィゼーションの要素も飛び出す名作ジャーマン・ロック。Garden Of Delightsの超良質復刻。
*Edition with 20 pages booklet* One of the earliest German private pressings, from 1969, and one of the most sought-after collectors’ items. Three masters on their instruments. Trikolon is a very gifted trio from Osnabrück. As precursor of Tetragon, they played a very varied and strongly influenced progressive rock. They were influenced by classic and sometimes by blues. Their only LP "Cluster" was already released in 1969. It was edited by themselves in a number of 150 copies. Thus, it had been one of the earliest works of this kind. Correspondingly modest were the means with which it was recorded, and here lies its only weak point. But whoever, for example, is listening to the "Blue Rondo", will be excited about the true firework performed on organ, accompanied by rolling drums. Hendrik Schaper on keyboards, the creative element of the band, performs brilliantly. As well do Ralf Schmieding on drums and Rolf Rettberg on bass - the latter nowadays a Professor for music in Berlin. The re-release comes with a 16-page booklet in LP size. It is limited to 1000 numbered copies.
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