ホーム | -----W > WV Sorcerer ProductionsLiang Yiyuan "Thing Loses Itself" [CD]

Liang Yiyuan "Thing Loses Itself" [CD]

価格: 2,497円(税込)
Label: WV Sorcerer Productions

中国実験界の重要タイトル!!フランス及び中国をベースに東アジア圏の録音を出版する気鋭レーベルWV Sorcerer Productions。1977年中国の武漢出身、90年代後半から作曲を始め、これまでに20枚以上のアルバムを自国のレーベルから出版している中国実験音楽シーンの先駆者の1人Liang Yiyuan。パッケージ画像にて確認出来る、中国の伝統的打弦楽器の一種"揚琴"に、竹、木材、鉄のクリップをかましプリペアド仕様にしたものを演奏、更に特別な音色を作り出す為、バイオリンの弓、小さな鉄の箱、バネ、ドラムスティック、金属製の物体も使われた硬質ノイジー録音。音色の多彩さ、余韻の形など興味深い音色が次々に飛び出します。6パネルデジスリーブ。

- 6 panel digisleeve CD
- reverse board & printed inner spines

One of the pioneers of the Chinese experimental music scene, this is the latest composition from Liang Yiyuan, an album for prepared yangqin.

This is an album composed for yangqin. Some bamboos, woods, and iron clips were clamped to the strings during the recording. A violin bow, several small iron boxes, springs, drumsticks, and other metal objects were also used, to create a special timbre.

Liang Yiyuan
Born in Wuhan, China, 1977. After his early years of painting, he started to compose music in the late '90s. He has published more than twenty albums so far. Instruments used include guitar, yangqin, violin, guqin, bawu, etc. He follows his own path of unconventional playing techniques and original timbre. He is involved in making various kinds of experimental music and free improvisation. He also creates music for films, theatres, modern dances, architectural and landscape projects, exhibitions, etc.