ホーム | -----D > Drone RecordsThorsten Soltau "Gewachse Im Zwielicht" [CD]

Thorsten Soltau "Gewachse Im Zwielicht" [CD]

価格: 2,387円(税込)
Label: Drone Records

CDフォーマットのリリースを行ってこなかったドイツDrone Recordsによる、新たなCDシリーズ"SYM"のカタログ!!P16.D4の中心人物Ralf Wehowskyとも共作をリリースしている、初期電子音楽及びコンクレートに影響を受け2009年より音制作を開始したThorsten Soltauのソロ音源。多くの生楽器、ボーカル、物音をモーフィング的手法で幽玄に紡ぎ、時折無骨な物体音を投下するという、どこかINA-GRM電子音楽的雰囲気も漂う秀逸な5トラック。ダークアンビエント好きにも激推し。



This Friesian multi media artist with two works on one CD: his compositions combine drone-ambient and electroacoustic elements and passages in a wonderful way (sometimes spheric, sometime bizarre, sometimes
melancholic) = various instrumental, vocal and electronic sources are building a hypnotic and poetic web, very complex and with many unexpected twists and surprises in the mix... this album is like a little wonder!

The CD combines two complete works by the artist: "Gewächse im Zwielicht", consisting of 4 pieces (2019-2021), dedicated to the hidden phenomena becoming recognizable only after closer examination, and "An End. An One Another" (2021-2022), an installation work for the art gallery 'De Groen' in Arnhem, Netherlands, for this he worked with a choir. Five long pieces with a total time of over 62 minutes, revealing many details with repeated listening... as the author notes: "My goal is the creation of rich sounds with layers only reachable by multiple listening. Each work exposes itself over time with each consciously made playback / perception: Repetition becomes a reward for the listener."