ホーム | -----C > Creel PoneNora Orlandi, Franco Di Biagio, Andrea Dorigo, Guido Podesta "Pulsar, Diagenesi, Tramite, Colori, Prato Verde, Angelico" [4CD-R]

Nora Orlandi, Franco Di Biagio, Andrea Dorigo, Guido Podesta "Pulsar, Diagenesi, Tramite, Colori, Prato Verde, Angelico" [4CD-R]

価格: 5,357円(税込)
Label: Creel Pone

これは大変貴重な仕事、大推薦!!オリジナルは70年代後半にリリース(または不明なものも多い)、4人のイタリア人作曲家Nora Orlandi、Franco Di Biagio、Andrea Dorigo、Guido Podestaが残した映画音楽のエレクトロニクス録音。イタリアン・ライブラリーの最深部ともいえる凄まじくマニアックな編集となっており、現在全てバラで揃えるのは不可能であろう音源を4枚のディスクに纏めてしまった偉業的内容。シリアスコンクレート、讃美歌、ジャジーな叙情シンセ、ミステリアス音響と、振り幅のあるユーモラスさも見事。パッケージも素晴らしい仕上がり。

September 2023; straight out of left-field, this absurdly rich collection of, largely, Electronic Music by four Italian Composers (often working under multiple aliases, simultaneously) centered around the prolific Film-Composer (her score for the 1971 Giallo mega-classic "The Strange Vice of Mrs. Wardh" is worth tracking down), session vocalist & Morricone "Sidewoman" (ditto, the latter's 1969 "Love Circle" aka "Metti Una Sera a Cena") Nora Orlandi (aka Attide, Joan Christian) in cahoots with (Gian) Franco Di Biagio (aka Tianas, Nogin), Andrea Dorigo (aka Sorpais), & Guido Podestà (aka Kordes, Despota) was initially issued in 1977 via a series of 6, largely, Eponymous, Private-Issue (when I say "Private" here I really mean it! Copies of these are scant to non-existent) Library-lineage LPs in a coverless fashion spread evenly across four (!!!!) discs, each meticulously restored and presented in the now-familiar diagonal-lane trajectory.

The discovery of this music has been one of the hot topics amongst the C.P. "Cabal" across the greater 2023, and after careful deliberation we have decided to eschew editorial concerns in favor of the full-monty approach... in truth; all of this is entirely fascinating, from the Tape Studio alien lanes of "Pulsar" & "Diagenesi", to the jazzy synth-lyricisms & vibrant proto-New Age pianisms of "Tramite" & "Colori", & finally the hymnal, ambient lustre & spiritual-leaning oscillating gazes of "Prato Verde", & "Angelico" (which, in places, recall the analogue gristle of fellow countryman Amedeo "Di Jarrell" Tommasi, [CP 137 CD], the hand-played drift of Angel Rada, [CP 000.13 CD], the echo-piano solemnity of Giuseppi Morocchi, [CP 124 CD], the upwards-glancing of the recent Paul Church, Jr., [CP 289 CD], and of course the entire worldview of Nik "Pascal" Raicevic, [CP 079.5-080-081 CD]).

This is, simply-put, a massive chunk of absurdly great obscure Italian Electronic-Library gold, presented in self-same the context-free way that makes the hunt (and, in this particular case, the kill) for this exact sort of needle-in-the-haystack greatness so alluring. Comes (complete) in a six-panel glossy booklet, with the labels dovetailed diagonally on the outside, hard-won portraits of then-and-now Orlandi & her crew on the inner, shadowed by wax & the four discs neatly labeled inside, issued at a premium. One of the best & most painstaking C.P. titles in recent times...