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Noel Meek & Mattin "Homage to Annea Lockwood" [Book + CD]

価格: 3,817円(税込)
Label: Recital

素晴らしいコンセプチュアル・ワークス!!60年代に多彩なガラスのサウンドを使用したコンサートを展開、その後水の動きに魅了され川の音のサウンドアーカイブを手掛ける様になるニュージーランド出身の巨匠サウンドアーティストAnnea Lockwood。本作は彼女を敬愛する二人の音楽家Noel MeekとMattinが彼女へのオマージュとして制作した、豪華60ページのCD付きブック。本人を含む3人で会話を重ね、その会話自体をスコアとして使用した面白いコンセプトの作品であり、本人の声を使った音声コンクレート、コンピューターを燃やすパフォーマンス、川のサウンドマップなど、多彩なアプローチをブックと共に表現。ラストには美しいポリフォニー合唱曲まで登場する非常に完成度の高い内容。

• Limited edition of 200pc, hand-numbered
• Perfect bound Royal book, 60-pages
• Glass-mastered CD

Recital presents a book and CD homage to the New Zealand-born American composer Annea Lockwood (b. 1939). The unique concept for this album was conceived by artists Noel Meek (New Zealand) and Mattin (Spain), who each share a deep admiration for Lockwood. A longform Skype conversation between the three artists was arranged at the end of 2020. They discussed politics, aesthetics, and Annea’s compositional practice among other things. Noel Meek & Mattin had from the beginning decided that the conversation itself would be used as a score for this album, Homage to Annea Lockwood.

“My work is my way of exploring the world” says Lockwood. Each piece on the album reflects her prismatic compositional practice: sound maps, scores that unfold temporally or environmentally, synchronous with nature, and pianos transplanted to exotic locations (often engulfed in flames). Meek & Mattin maintain a playfulness and curiosity of Annea’s sound world; from electronic verbal fizz, a recording of lighting a laptop on fire, hydrophonic diaries from underneath an old oak tree in New Zealand, to a polyphonic choral piece which concludes the album.

Homage to Annea Lockwood is housed in a hand-numbered paperback book, which carries a full transcription of the conversation, in this case… the score, along with lush photographic documentation, and ending with a lovely afterword written by Annea Lockwood. Recital is especially happy to be working with Annea again years later, after publishing her 2014 album Ground of Being (R7, CD). What a joy it is to celebrate Annea, and how appropriate it be done through the ritual of music.