ホーム | -----S > St.An.Da.Gianluca Becuzzi "Black Mantra" [2CD]

Gianluca Becuzzi "Black Mantra" [2CD]

価格: 3,047円(税込)
Label: St.An.Da.

現在はこのレーベルを中心に作品を出版、80年代前半から活動し、特殊な音響空間を利用したエレクトロアコースティックや難解なコンセプチュアルワーク、既成音源のカットアップミックス等、毎度新たな表現方法に挑み続けるイタリアの音楽家Gianluca Becuzzi。死、破壊、変化を司るヒンドゥー教の女神"カーリー"にフォーカスした作品で、インドの神秘主義や伝統音楽を落とし込みドローン・ミュージックとしてアウトプットした2CD大作[Black Mantra]。そのタイトルの如き重低音ボイスとノイジードローンが厳つくせめぎ合う漆黒の空間音響。大推薦。

Kali, "The Black-One", is the Hindu goddess of death, time, supreme power, destruction and change. She is dark and heartless, the anti-mother with a bloodied face. She is "The One Who Dances", leading the world towards dissolution, end and rebirth. The origins of the Thug clan, stranglers known for their ritual murders, are linked to this karmic cycle. Since the last century, her mysterious charm has inspired literature and cinema, making her a popular figure also in the Western world. Just as, more generally, Indian mysticism and its traditional music, based on the sound continuum, is origin and source of inspiration for all Drone Music and for musical avant-gardes linked to it.
Gianluca Becuzzi [June 2023]