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Ivan Vukosavljevic (Tineke Steenbrink / Francesca Ajossa / Jan Hage / Lise Morrison) "Slow Roads" [CD]

価格: 2,497円(税込)
Label: elsewhere

素晴らしいオルガン演奏記録!!オランダの都市デン・ハーグを拠点とするセルビアの作曲家Ivan Vukosavljevicのソロアルバム。2019年から2022年掛けてオルガンのソロ曲として書いた8曲が収録されており、全てオランダ北部の田園地帯に点在する中世の教会で録音されたもの。16世紀初頭から17世紀半ばにかけて設置された異なる歴史を持つ5つのオルガンを使用、中世後期からルネサンス期の鍵盤音楽の情緒を反映した楽曲を演奏、収録の8曲中5曲はオランダの古楽アンサンブルHolland Baroqueが担当。オランダのオルガン文化を知る上でも超貴重な記録だと思います。

Six-panel gatefold wallet with one disc, cover painting by Henk Helmantel, design by Yuko Zama. CDs in stock.

'Slow Roads' is an album of eight pieces written by Hague-based Serbian composer Ivan Vukosavljević between 2019 and 2022, for solo 1/4 comma meantone organ. All eight pieces were recorded in 2022 on five different historic organs, dating from the early 16th to mid-17th centuries, located in medieval churches scattered throughout the countryside of the northern Netherlands. Each piece was adapted for a specific organ, as they vary considerably in their disposition. All eight pieces are written in unmeasured notation, with bars removed and only rhythms and phrase contours suggested.

On this album, Vukosavljević adopts a meantone temperament that echoes the sentiments of late medieval and Renaissance keyboard music, while valuing the contemplative aspect of the music, to create organ music as his own voice that resonates with the present time. Five of the eight pieces were performed by Tineke Steenbrink, co-founder of the Dutch early music ensemble Holland Baroque. Francesca Ajossa, Jan Hage and Lise Morrison performed one piece each.

"The Netherlands has one of the liveliest organ cultures in the world, which unfortunately doesn’t communicate too much with the culture of contemporary music, and vice versa. There exist certain categories with borders that are not crossed too often. However, with this organ album I was excited to fully immerse myself in everything that surrounds the organ culture in the Netherlands, in the hope that I would come up with something new and of value."

“The breath of pipes, the growl at the very entrance of a note, the richness of sound of a single pipe…these have been eliminated in later organ construction, but are everything that draws me into its sound world.” – Ivan Vukosavljević