ホーム | -----C > Corbett vs. DempseyArto Lindsay "Charivari" [CD]

Arto Lindsay "Charivari" [CD]

価格: 2,607円(税込)
Label: Corbett vs. Dempsey

なんとアート・リンゼイが"Black Cross Solo Sessions"シリーズに登場!!多くの説明は不要、DNAの活動でもお馴染みアート・リンゼイのギター&ボーカルによる激シブ・ソロ音源!! 完全に崩壊したギターのノイジー音塊に合わせ流麗な歌声を並走させる最高に振り切れた13テイク。版元解説にもありますがDNAに通じるアレンジもあり。ジャケットは米著名現代美術家クリストファーウールが担当。大推薦。

One of the architects of No Wave with his band DNA, a pioneer of noise guitar, sublimely inventive producer, and slinkily seductive
songwriter, Arto Lindsay has worn countless musical hats. Invited to make a solo record for the Black Cross Solo Sessions, Lindsay
boiled it down to essential ingredients, waxing a collection of bristling new songs and works for solo guitar; on six of a baker's dozen
tracks, his angelic voice offsets the bracing dissonance of his acidic electric. Recorded at studios in Brooklyn and Araras, Brazil,
Charivari has the intensity of a killer live session; it's closer in vibe to the more aggressive side of his work – think of his trio outing
Aggregates 1-26 or the barbed riffs of classic DNA – than gorgeously arranged solo songwriting records like O Corpo Sutil (The Subtle
Body). In these razor sharp cuts you may well discover the identity of what, in the song "Nothing," Lindsay calls "holier than thou
timing." CD contains full transcriptions of Lindsay's lyrics. Cover artwork and design by Christopher Wool