ホーム | -----A > Another TimbreSeamus Cater "A History of Musical Pitch" [CD]

Seamus Cater "A History of Musical Pitch" [CD]

価格: 2,387円(税込)
Label: Another Timbre

蛇腹楽器コンサーティーナの奏者であるSeamus Caterが挑んだ面白リアライズ記録!!イギリスの数学者、音声学者、文献学者、音響学者である偉人アレクサンダー・ジョン・エリスが1880年に残した論文をもとに演奏したオマージュ作品。音楽愛好家でもあったアレクサンダーは現代及び古代の楽器の正確な周波数の測定に多くの時間を費やした人物でもあり、その研究成果を反映させたクラシカルな静謐ドローン。非常に美しい演奏内容です。

This album contains three works by Seamus Cater, including his creative response to the work of Alexander John Ellis (1814-1890), who presented a paper 'The History of Musical Pitch' to the Royal Society in 1880. Ellis was a mathematician, collector, philologist and musical enthusiast, who spent a lot of time measuring the exact frequencies of contemporary and ancient musical instruments, and so is remembered as one of the founders of comparative musicology.
Two of the pieces on the disc are 're-soundings' of Ellis's research, and a tribute to his enthusiasm for alternative tuning systems (he performed at the Royal Society with his own concertinas that used experimental tuning systems). For more information, see Seamus Cater's sleevenotes at www.anothertimbre.com