ホーム | -----N > Nyahh RecordsV.A "Under the Island: Experimental Music in Ireland 1960 - 1994" [CD]

V.A "Under the Island: Experimental Music in Ireland 1960 - 1994" [CD]

価格: 2,497円(税込)
Label: Nyahh Records

コレは素晴らしい調査アーカイブです!!自国アイルランド全土のトラディショナルソングを集めた珠玉のV.Aや、面白い視点の実験録音を発信し続けるNyahh Records。今回出版されたのは2年間に渡り調査したという、自国のアバンギャルド/エクスペリメンタル・ミュージックの40年以上に渡る歴史のコレクションV.A。フィルムメーカーでもあったDesmond Leslieの60年コンクレート作に始まり、アイルランド実験界のパイオニアRoger Doyleの最初期作、David Cunninghamの76年ミニマル電子音楽、Haa Lacka Binttiiでお馴染みDaniel Figgisの振り切れたソロ音源など、冒頭からラストまで本気で厳選したと思われる名曲/名演がズラリ。大推薦。

CD come in gatefold card case with booklet

After two years of digging, hunting, unearthing archives, digitising and a lot of correspondence, Nyahh Records is very excited to finally be announcing the release of ‘Under the Island: A Compilation of Experimental Music in Ireland 1960 – 1994’. Ireland, a country known mostly in the pop music arena for U2, Thin Lizzy, Stiff Little Fingers et al and of course, the Show Band era of the 60s’ to the present, the country is not known for producing a lot of ‘cutting edge, Avant Garde music. A few very influential bands did get out such as Doctor Strangley Strange (1967 – 1971), Mellow Candle (1965 - 1973), Princess Tinymeat (1984 – 1987) and the Virgin Prunes (1977 – 1991). A strange bunch for sure, and where would we be without them. But, further down underground there were a few artists working away in their bedrooms and non-studio settings experimenting with tapes and handmade instruments. Here for the first time is a collection of these artists and their work. Sounds that had been left in boxes on tape or cassette have now been cleaned up and presented together in a collection spanning over four decades.