Label: Art into Life - AIL031
– Art into Life – レーベル・レトロスペクティブ展 “SOWING and REAPING”限定セット
2023年12月に高円寺のtata bookshopにて開催されたArt into Lifeのレーベル回顧展"SOWING and REAPING"。展示に合わせ制作したレーベルタイトル"#31"のセット作品。FITB Publisher(過去に当店で紹介した激ヤバZine"NAKED LANDSCAPE"出版社)制作による全タイトルを掲載したカタログ、ハーディーガーディー奏者"赤石拓海"によるフィールドレコーディング音源、Art into Lifeロゴ入りトートバッグ(LP約40枚程収納加)の限定セット。
●カタログブック (FITB Publisher制作による全33ページのカタログ)
●赤石拓海/Takumi Akaishi “Vita” [Cassette](ジャケットはハンドメイド仕様の為、一点一点異なります)
●Art into Lifeロゴ入りトートバッグ (W48×H40×D15 - 表裏でロゴのデザインは異なります)
side A : Vita I (19’29)
side B : Vita II (19’36)
Special limited edition item, in conjunction with the Art into Life retrospective exhibition "Sowing & Reaping", which was held at tata bookshop/gallery in December 2023. A set of catalogue book, cassette album and tote, was only available at the gallery during the exhibition period.
●a catalogue book containing 33 pages of production details of the 30 titles Art into Life has released so far. Published/Created by FITB Publisher
●Takumi Akaishi "Vita" Cassette
●Art into Life Logo Tote (48cm wide x 40cm height x 15cm depth)
Takumi Akaishi visited Morocco during the month of Ramadan and collected site recordings. Divided into two parts, "Vita" is a real-time on-site recording, including radio broadcasting and voices of Moroccan people passing by. Each copy comes with hand-made paper cassette sleeve.
side A : Vita I (19'29")
side B : Vita II (19'36")