ホーム | -----S > St.An.Da.Borda "Methexis" [CD]

Borda "Methexis" [CD]

価格: 2,497円(税込)
Label: St.An.Da.

イタリアはミラノにてサウンドエンジニアとして活動する傍ら音制作も行うBordaことMatteo Ravelli。silentesの姉妹レーベルSt.An.Da.からは2枚目となるフルアルバム[Methexis]をリリース。独自の音色研究、インタープレイ、即興演奏といったジャズの基本的概念を取り入れ、それらを電子的な文脈で表現する事を試みた作品で、総合して不思議な浮遊感と仄暗さが漂うダークアンビエント的趣き。まさにこのレーベルらしい現行の手法で作り上げた気持ちの良い質感と構造の全6曲。

The idea behind "Methexis" is to take some of the foundational concepts of jazz such as interplay, timbral research and improvisation, and render them in a predominantly electronic context. The compositions were sketches, for example various modes of interactions and three modal macro-areas were indicated on the piece "Methexis", while "On Silent Haunches" is an improvisation for solo electric piano structured on the final four chords of the "Ladybird" standard, and so on, the pieces were constructed leaving each musician with endless possibilities for interpreting the music. Interaction was one of the underlying principles of the project and occurred on two levels: the first saw the musicians interpret the compositions, the second saw Borda edit, process and manipulate the recorded material depending on what each musician had played.