カルトプロジェクトEnhet For Fri Musikをはじめ、現行スウェーデン地下シーンにて非常に面白い活動を行う重要人物Dan Johansson(Sewer Election)のレーベルUsagi。本作はフィンランド地下界で活動するベテランTommi Keranenの初期作を纏めたファン垂涎の極上編集CD。超入手困難な2006年カセット[Celestial Harmonics]、2009年[Green Car Crash]をはじめ、2007~2008年の未発表音源、更には2005年の日本ツアーの際に販売したミニCD音源までも網羅。お見逃しなく。
Five early tracks of thundering noise from the finnish noise king. While
perhaps best known as being one half of Testicle Hazard, his solo CD albums
Bats In The Attic and Moon Over Torrelorca are modern day classics in our book,
and we just felt it couldn't hurt to have some the recorded steps leading up
to those albums made available in the compact disc format as well. Three rare
odds-and-ends kind of tracks, and finishing the disc is Keränen's Green Car Crash,
originally released as a C30 in 2009. All remastered by Samuli Tanner.
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