ホーム | -----F > FtarriYumiko Tanaka "Tayutauta [Remastered Edition]" [CD]

Yumiko Tanaka "Tayutauta [Remastered Edition]" [CD]

価格: 1,870円(税込)
Label: Ftarri


女流義太夫の三味線奏者である田中悠美子は、伝統音楽分野での活動に止まらず、1990年代から現代音楽、即興音楽 (田中は1996〜7年、大友良英のバンド、Ground-Zero のメンバーだった)、実験音楽、シアター作品での演奏・作曲など多方面での音楽活動を続け、国内外の数多くの音楽家と共演・交流を繰り広げてきた。

日本の即興・実験音楽シーンを代表する演奏家のひとりとも言える田中だが、なぜかソロ名義のリリースは2004年リリースのCD作品『たゆたうた』(Improvised Music from Japan) と2017年リリースのDVD作品『Music Performance』(Meenna) の2作品しかない。その唯一のソロCDで名盤の誉れ高い『たゆたうた』が、リリースから19年後の2023年、新たにマスタリングを施して格段に聴きやすくなり、さらにデザインも一新し遂に復刻。


While continuously engaged in the field of traditional Japanese music, female-school gidayu shamisen player Yumiko Tanaka has since the 1990s been carrying out multifaceted musical activities including contemporary classical music, improvisation (in 1996-97 she was a member of Otomo Yoshihide’s band Ground-Zero), experimental music, and theater performance/composition, performing and exchanging ideas with many musicians from Japan and other countries.

While Tanaka is regarded as one of the musicians representative of the improvised/experimental music scene in Japan, thus far she has only two solo releases: the CD "Tayutauta" (Improvised Music from Japan, 2004) and the DVD "Music Performance" (Meenna, 2017). In 2023, 19 years after its original release, her only solo CD—the widely acclaimed "Tayutauta"—has been remastered and reissued with greatly improved sound quality and a new design.

"Tayutauta" contains ten completely improvised tracks in which Tanaka uses the gidayu shamisen but departs boldly from the usual methods of playing the instrument. Incorporating a variety of experimental techniques including plucking, bowing and use of "prepared" objects, these performances are calm and sedate, but suffused throughout with a feeling of cohesion backed by Tanaka's distinctive musical artistry. This is improvised music of rare quality.