ダブルリードで発音するアルメニアの民族木管楽器である"ドゥドゥク"の若き名手Haig Sarikouyoumdjianの演奏を纏めたフランスの名門Ocoraの音源[Armenia: The Art Of The Duduk]。自国の先駆者達から奏法を学び、テクニックと多彩な音色のニュアンス、そして伝統レパートリーのあらゆる繊細さ(イントネーション、リズムの曖昧さ、旋法の展開など)を完璧に習得、本作は独自の即興と伝統音楽を纏めた素晴らしい編集となっています。
Haïg Sarikouyoumdjian (hautbois duduk),
Artur Kasabyian (bourdon au duduk) & Tigran Hovhannisyan (percussion dhôl).
Haïg Sarikouyoumdjian, young master of the duduk oboe (so emblematic and evocative of the Armenian people), favours a personal approach both sober and moving, between improvisations and traditional repertoire –refined aesthetic also at play in his own musical instruments making. Haïg Sarikouyoumdjian studied the duduk in Armenia with different teachers, and mastered duduk technique and its multiple nuances of timbre, along with all the subtleties of traditional repertoire (perfecting intonation, rhythmic ambiguities, ornamentation, modal development). At the same time, he has collaborated on different projects directed by Jordi Savall like Istanbul, Mare Nostrum, la Tragédie Cathare, Esprit d’Arménie etc. His research on duduk timbre began to draw him more and more towards instrument making. He learnt how to make his own reeds with Ashot Martirosyan, and studied wood-turning and tuning in the Meyerrecorders studio workshop with Ernst Meyer and his two sons (renowned Baroque recorder manufacturers).
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