ホーム | -----R > ROPE EDITIONSGuido Gamboa "Left​-​Handed Club" [CD]

Guido Gamboa "Left​-​Handed Club" [CD]

価格: 2,387円(税込)

2024年重要タイトル、超傑作!!非常に優れた審美眼にて音盤リリースを行っている米アート系レーベルPentiments。ここの主宰者にして音楽家Guido Gamboaが韓国のRope Editionsより出版した凄まじい完成度の個人作[Left-Handed Club]。ジャケットデザインを見ての通り、偉大な詩人、画家、学者、作曲家らの著作に関する朗読をガッタガタに捻じ曲げた長編コンクレートであり、ポール・ヴェルレーヌ、パウル・クレー、カレル・アペル、イワン・パブロフ、カイヤ・サーリアホらの作品が、複雑な雑音ボイスの集積となって放たれる超高内容。

"This piece is a sound collage that uses as its foundation a vocal survey of the writings of various figures who have shared the chance identity of being left-handed. Words from the French symbolist poet Paul Verlaine, the German expressionist Paul Klee, the Dutch barbarist painter Karel Appel, the Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov, the American conceptualist John Baldessari and the contemporary Finnish composer Kaija Saariaho were recited by various voice actors and then processed, abstracted or recontextualized in manners that serve to reimagine and transmogrify in equal measures the relation of their contents. One can consequently view the contingency of being left-handed as a type of larger aleatoric process chaining together the otherwise disparate ideas of a group of individuals whose shared characteristic is one that in any other context would be inconsequential—something of a “club of left-handers” is formed through my guiding hand.

As with many aleatorically-minded works, what ultimately comes into focus as the object of interest is no longer just the source materials and their originary contexts but the new and unforeseen meanings proposed by their fortuitous concatenations. In the sonic gathering of the voices of these various figures along with even more disjunctive sonic miscellanea, a new collective voice may reveal itself for interpretation beyond the sum of its parts, if not only for a simple embrace of the most minor manifestations of chance in the formations of our identities."

- Guido Gamboa