なんとピアノ曲集をリリース!!20ページブックレット付き!!80年代にイタリアはボローニャにて結成されたエクスペリメンタル・ジャズ/ニューウェーブ・バンドConfusional Quartetのリーダーを務め、個人ではアート系ファンお馴染みの音声詩レーベル3Vitreや、Aquilifer SodalityのAndrea Cernottoが主宰するElicaに音源を残している知られざる奇才Marco Bertoni。なんと氏が15歳から書き続けたという簡単なピアノ曲を纏めた異色の音源が出版!!一部はソロ・アルバム[18/8/81]や、スロッビング・グリッスルとのV.A作[Mission Is Terminated]に収録されたらしいですが、殆どが今回初出となるプライベートな作品であり、キャバレー?、クラシック?の間といった妙な曖昧さで突き通すシンプルで面白い内容。
20-page 15x15cm Book + CD, ltd. 250 copies
Marco Bertoni, musician, composer and producer from Bologna, protagonist of the Italian new wave of '77, after "Live in Trentville" (2022) publishes this "My Easy Piano Pieces (A Ridiculous Legacy)" for Silentes.
A collection of pieces of music that he has written since he was 15 years old. Over time they have been kept locked in a drawer but never forgotten. Some of them have been used for songs by the Confusional Quartet, or published on his first solo album "18/8/81" (1999, Elica) or on the compilation "Mission Is Terminated" with Throbbing Gristle (1983, Nice Tracks), or in the more recent release "Wrong Ninna Nanna" created with Franco Bifo Berardi, Lydia Lunch and Bobby Gillespie (2020, 42 Records).
Each song is accompanied by a video by Filippo Janez Bertoni and poetic fragments by Franco Bifo Berardi. The graphics are by Stefano Gentile. The pieces were recorded at the Bologna Conservatory in 2023.
Marco Bertoni says: "I liked the idea of collecting my easy piano pieces, pieces of music that I have made since I was a kid. Pieces that have been used here and there, in different contexts and outfits. Short and slightly bizarre pieces of music, which have always remained there somewhere in my memory. Now I like the idea of publishing something so simple, bare and radical in its own way, which has the courage of melody and tonality in an indefinable limbo between cabaret and classical. To avoid feeling alone, I asked Filippo Janez, my son, to create something visual for each song and Franco Bifo Berardi to write poetic fragments to publish with the music.".
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