ホーム | -----R > Room40Panghalina "Lava" [CD]

Panghalina "Lava" [CD]

価格: 2,277円(税込)
Label: Room40

既にここRoom40からソロデビューを果たしているMaria Moles、ベーシストHelen Svoboda、そして即興演奏家として活動するBonnie Stewart、オーストラリアの3人の女性作家が新たに結成したトリオユニットPanghalinaの1stアルバム[Lava]。パーカッション、ストリングス、エレクトロニクスを軸に、神秘的歌唱とフィールドレコーディングのミックス、トラディショナルなダウンテンポ、スリリングな即興の掛け合いを聞かせる、まるで対話するかの様に軽快な進行を聞かせる8トラック。エンボススリーヴ仕様、インサートカードが付属。

Matte laminated, monochrome printed and embossed sleeve with insert card

from Maria, Bonnie and Helen

Lava is an ode to the connections between sound, emotion and human experience, exploring the interplay of sonic duality. The overlapping duos within the trio framework brought forth uncharted possibilities, allowing each of us to weave our individuality into the improvisations.

The crafting of the record revealed the project’s distinctiveness. With an instant resonance, we found ourselves drawn to this project - a canvas that allows various aspects within our artistic practices to flourish. The album encapsulates the dialogue between our spirits and the music, celebrating the alignment of artistic kinship.

We’ve named the album ‘Lava’, drawing inspiration from the melding of our sounds that resonates with the characteristics of molten rock - its subdued, unhurried motion juxtaposed against its fiery core. Just as molten rock emerges from a terrestrial planet, our collaboration springs forth from a distinctive sonic realm that is exclusively our own.