ホーム | -----R > Room40Pinkcourtesyphone "Arise in Sinking Feelings" [CD]

Pinkcourtesyphone "Arise in Sinking Feelings" [CD]

価格: 2,387円(税込)
Label: Room40

サウンドアーティスト兼デザイナー、ミニマルな表現にて90年代から活動を続けてきた大ベテランRichard Chartier。2012年頃から継続している変名PinkcourtesyphoneとしてRoom40より発表した2024年最新作。この名義でのアートワークは毎回ピンクを主としたアブストラクトなイメージが使われており、本作ではその世界観をダイレクトにサウンドに変換。女性の歌、重厚なストリングス、漂流するドローン、それらを図太い帯へと変容させる秀逸なアレンジメント、絶妙な不安定要素が美しい8編のダークアンビエント。お馴染みエンボス加工スリーブ。

Monochrome printed, matte laminated and embossed sleeve.

Through the eye of the pinkish gate... Soft lights... cool evening breezes, toxic fumes, burnt champagne and supper for one... love and longing...disenchantment... and the murky meanderings of Pinkcourtesyphone.

It is impossible for us to supply all the recipe ingredients needed for this, the sounds of soured romance, but we can at least dish up the musical setting on a deluxe digital porcelain platter (with a just few hairline cracks)... but only for an hour. A gourmet offering befitting a pall party without compare.

Attempts have been made in this collection of recordings, obdurate and diegetic, to express anxiety, always, often, and sometimes.

'Arise in Sinking Feelings', an unmistakable pinkcourtesy mood, simply combinations of magic and memory that spin out within moments before our delighted senses... a fanciful flight of neurosis.

No one who is anyone has heard it and even they were met with incomprehension. "A Stunning Blandness!" read the headlines.

This album includes a printed insert of inspiration. Use it to gain maximum benefits from your study of Pinkcourtesyphone. Read and imbibe the insert while you listen to the recording. The Room40 Media Institute recommends the ‘Double Sensory’ method of absorbing sonic information. Its consistent use will greatly increase your powers of concentration and retention.

Let your feelings sink as you let Pinkcourtesyphone sink in... its secret can destroy you in its unyielding grasp.